Spring Sonata
One of my favorites from Beethoven (or probably Nodame Cantabile!). Anyone here who knows the anime? I was only able to watched the live action series/movie though. I love Ueno Juri! Oh, I miss those times! That show made me appreciate classical music more.
Burger Hyo In-Betweens
Times when I feel lazy and tired but have to get prepped for a meeting, I wear in-betweens. Smart casual yet formal at the same time. I can’t say this is business casual cause, who wears white shirt and shorts to business meetings? And who wears a black suit on casual days? Me. Yes, it’s not […]
Shiny, Sparkly, Glittery
“Shiny stars, stylish stripes and sparkly glitter — that’s what this season is all about.”
Neko Atsume
Hopped to Porch just to cat around. Really obsessed recently about anything cat so I got myself a cat shirt, a cat purse and a cat sling bag. Why not.
Sporty Once
Did you know that ‘Doing Nothing’ has become a sport in South Korea? That’s one sport I’ll definitely excel in! And this could be my uniform. To be honest, I’m no good at any sport (except for shopping, if you would consider) and I don’t even dream of acquiring such skill. But defensively speaking, I […]
In Contemporary Art
I planned to take a little break after Art Fair before sharing my own splendid experience here in the blog but I keep on forgetting about it until we received an update about the preparation for 2017 recently. So here we go… Coat from H&M // Top from Mango// Shorts from Korea // Sling […]
Good bye Summer!
So I am officially bidding farewell to summer! But first, let me have my mango shake… I know how hard it is to let go of the thought of warmer days, swimsuits and ice creams but think about the brighter side. Rainy days would allow us to wear our coats and fluffy clothes once again. […]
The sea, the sun, and the beach
So I decided to leave the comfort of my home and head to the beach. It was one peaceful morning. No shops, loud music, and almost no people around. Just the sea, the sun, and the beach make me feel like I’m in a little paradise. I felt like the whole island is mine! […]
Berry Pink
Etude House Photo by Rxandy Capinpin I may be a little late for Easter but there is no denying the pretty appeal of pastel pink. Pink, puffy, cute, glittery, that is so me. Now that I’ve found a perfect pair of ballerina flats, life is even happier. *bunny dance* Top from Dorothy Perkins // Skirt […]