W.Dressroom: Irresistible Scents Inspired by Korean Idols
Recently discovered new scents from W.Dressroom that’s all good for clothes, linens or home. It’s a well-known fragrance brand in Korea as it was popularized by many Korean idols and celebrities. It has been featured in dramas too such as “My Love From the Stars.” Founded by designer Choi Bumsuk, the brand offers perfumes, skincare, […]
Everyone’s going virtual so we’re busy putting up online platforms for businesses at Siamese and I kinda neglected this blog for a while. My tita and one of my recent rescue, Covi, also passed away as well and it was challenging physically and emotionally because of the pandemic. Last year, I helped with tita’s hospitalization […]
Roller Derby
So much things going on in the world but whatever happens, just keep on rollin’! It’s so hard to focus on the positive things right now. Sometimes, I overthink about the things that I can’t even control. I need constant reminders to keep a positive mindset. For me, I start my day with… coffee. My […]
Becoming A Plant Mom
Since the start of the lockdown, I’ve been worried about my plants in the office. I thought it will be just a one month hiatus but the quarantine period has been extended and for sure, my little babies had dried out completely by now. Good thing – I also have some babies at home. I […]
Be MaArte For A Cause!
So last August, we had a blast at the MaArte Fair held at The Peninsula Manila. For those who are not familiar, it’s an annual fundraising event of The Museum Foundation of the Philippines to raise awareness and funds for the benefit of the National Museum of the Philippines and its network. Several local brands […]
Lost My Drive To Write
Pink coat. Black dress. All set. Sometimes, I just need a happy color to motivate me to move forward. Pink coat and dress from Hong Kong // Slingbag from Aranaz Adios.
Feathered Modesty
I was an Inang Bibe one fine afternoon for MaArte Fair press launch at Salon de Ning, The Peninsula Manila. I love wearing textured dresses so I can skip the uncomfortable pants and steaming of clothes. It’s not too obvious that it came straight from the clothes rack outside when the fabric has some applique […]
You’re invited to the MaArte oPEN house!
It’s MaArte season once again! MaArte Fair is an annual fundraising event of Museum Foundation of the Philippines (MFPI) and every year, they come up with an exciting theme. Guess what’s up for this year. It’s MaArte oPEN house! All caps on the word PEN cause it’s gonna happen again at The Peninsula Manila! It’s […]
Twist ‘n Turn
Recently attended Gandoll House Party of Vice Ganda where she launched Vice Cosmetics Gandoll Brow Collection. The theme was strictly PINK and we can only pair it with white. Here’s what I wore for the event: Something furry but I made sure that no animals were harmed in the making of this outfit. So faux […]