It felt like we climbed a real mountain as we entered the Cloud Forest at Gardens by the Bay. The whole dome was veiled in mist and it features a 35-meter tall man-made mountain covered in lush ferny garden shrouding the world’s tallest indoor waterfall.

At the foothill

It also showcases plant life from tropical highlands up to 2,000 meters above sea level. A lot of rare plants and flowers around! It has been densely planted with a mixture of fascinating orchids, delicate ferns, colourful bromeliads, dazzling begonias and menacing carnivorous pitcher plants.
These plants survive as the dome is climate-controlled and it replicates the cool, moist conditions on top of tropical mountains between 1,000 and 3,000 m (3,300 to 9,800ft) above sea level.

We took a lift to the Lost World for a nice aerial view of the canopy and mountainside covered with ‘clouds’.

We then circled the mountain all the way down via two walkways. At the Cloud Walk, we got real close to the waterfalls and glass panels. In this level, We got fantastic views of the Supertree Grove and Marina Bay Sands.

Halfway down is an exhibit of crystals, stalagmites and stalactites at the Crystal Mountain as well as a video presentation about self-sustainability at Gardens by the Bay.

And lastly, we ended the tour at the Secret Garden! Ssshhhh!

Standard admission is $28 SGD (includes entry to the Flower Dome).
Last Updated on 9 years by Carizza
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