Never availed gym memberships just because I have certain issues. Kaartehan that I’m sure some girls would understand and that lead me to purchasing fitness machines that I can use at home. Everything changed when I learned about Curves. Curves is the first fitness and weight-loss facility designed specifically for women.

All girls? Oh, please count me in! At the beginning, coach Cha asked me to fill up their form and asked a few questions about my health and my goal measurements. I just wanted to have firm body. That’s all. Hopefully after a month I can see a difference and get rid of the lola wobbly arms and legs haha.

After that, she toured me around the area and got inspired with all the stories posted in their locker room!

The Curves 30-minute workout exercises every major muscle group with strength training, cardio and stretching. This complete cardio and strength-training workout could also burn up to 500 calories. The circuit is made up of resistance machines that work every major muscle group, two muscles at a time.

With a circuit coach to teach and motivate, I’m sure I’ll reach my fitness goals in no time.

Happy with my first workout at Curves!
Curves Circuit with Zumba Fitness also offer a 30-minute class that mixes the moves of Zumba with the proven strength training of Curves for a wildly effective workout. You’ll tone up, burn hundreds of calories, and have so much fun you won’t even realize you’re working out!
Curves is about fitness, health and moving away from disease; gaining strength and losing weight; reaching your goals in a community of support and encouragement; and strengthening Women!
Curves Eastwood
4th flr Eastwood City Walk 2
Eastwood City Cyberpark, Quezon City
+63 2 5849841 | 09177377835 | 09212093322
Last Updated on 9 years by Carizza
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