It’s been a while and I just thought of putting this story in my blog so I won’t forget. I found myself drawn to my sister’s Barbie room—again. She was the real Barbie collector between us. Mine is just small because I focus more on vintage/antique dolls and I couldn’t help but admire her vast collection!

I actually helped her clean her Barbie dolls and carefully put them back in acrylic cases. This is just 1/8 of her collection and there are a lot more to clean up and organize! Here are my ultimate faves:

Yes, the Silkstone Barbie Dolls! Silkstone Barbie dolls used to cost around $20, but now their price has increased fivefold. I don’t think I’ll be able to get my own, so I’ll just appreciate my sister’s collection instead. Here are some more vintage dolls that I really love:

I don’t plan on getting a Ken or Allan myself, but can we all agree they look amazing when grouped together with vintage Barbie and Skipper?
Here are more dolls that caught my attention. Great Shape! They all seemed to stare back at me, frozen in time, with those perfect, painted smiles.

Great Shape Barbie was my very first Barbie, a gift from my ninang when I was just 2 years old. Back then, I couldn’t quite appreciate Barbies, so the doll ended up with my sister. Our original Great Shape doll broke, so my sister bought a new one to rekindle her childhood. Now, I want her back too! Haha!
Another iconic 80s doll is the Twirly Curls Barbie! She has her own hair curling accessory. My sister has another Twirly Curls dolls with complete accessories. I’ll update this blog once I find it.

Angel Face Barbie, first released in 1982, is known for her unique, delicate look that set her apart from other Barbie dolls at the time. She’s not really my type but a lot of collectors love her angelic gaze, sun streaked hair and her own barbie makeup in a bag! I actually bought the makeup bag for my sister (yasss, we’re that supportive) but we cannot find it in the pile!
Who remembers Growing Up Skipper?

And the Barbie with videocam!!!

And more dolls that are NRFB! As an out-of-box collector, I am so tempted to open them!!!

I wish I could visit her doll room again soon. If you wanna read more on how I invaded my sister’s Barbie room, click here.
Last Updated on 1 month by Carizza
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