Unboxing L.O.L. Surprise J.K. Queen Bee Mini Fashion Doll

Another weekend means another unboxing of L.O.L. Surprise and this time, I’m gonna show how I unbox J.K. Queen Bee Mini Fashion Doll!
So I got this doll from Rustan’s as a Christmas gift to myself. I feel like I have to document this on my blog before I lose or misplace some of her accessories. Everything is soo small and detailed!

One thing that I really like about MGA dolls are the concept of each release. They might be losing from Mattel in terms of quality but boy, every thing is well-thought off, making each doll so much more interesting than Barbie. I guess MGA peeps really know how to play! So let’s start with the unboxing…

So on the box, it says that this doll has 15 surprises, real hair, real fashion and real tall shoes. It says Series 1 and you can collect all 4 fashionable dolls together with Diva, M.C. Swag and Neon O.T. From these 4 girls, I chose Queen Bee because I really like her hair and her fashion. Why is it called JK and what does it mean? According to Google, it means “Just Kidding.” The joke is that girls are growing up with “growing” high shoes. You will also notice that the “growing up” idea is also applied on the packaging with its outrageous accordion design that makes her look taller and shorter as you zip it up and down.

You can watch how I unboxed Queen Bee in this IG video:

Hello Queen Bee! I super love her fierce fashion and runway-ready outfit! I also love how I can use her box with a walk-in closet design as a backdrop. You can see that in the video. On the photo below, I made her walk around the Glamper Fashion Camper.

It’s just shoes. JK! It’s what makes me stand tall! It’s just fashion. JK! It’s how I express myself! It’s just a runway. JK! It’s how I take on the world!

So I also got here some boxes for her shoes, doll stand, hair comb, IPad and tumbler that resembles Starbucks!

I love how her shoe box really looks like an actual shoe box. It has a size label on the side of the box that says 3 1/2 and the platform shoes are all wrapped with paper.

Other accessories include her headband, sunglasses, belt, and look, I just noticed the back of the tumbler has her name on it! I’m quite disappointed with the sunglasses as mine doesn’t have enough glitters on it.

Here’s our Queen Bee as a DJ:

If you are curious, this is how the original Queen Bee like:

Isn’t she fab with real hair? I personally like Queen Bee in this JK fashion.

Do you think she looks better with real hair and platform shoes?

Last Updated on 4 years by Carizza




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