During the first week of the Enhanced Community Quarantine imposed by the government due to covid virus, we all started some general cleaning in our house. I told my mom that she shouldn’t do everything all at once and reserve some tasks since we still have three more weeks to stay at home. She’s a senior and I am glad she’s cooperating (she tried to sneak out a couple of times!). How are you guys doing? I hope you’re all safe and healthy while reading this. I am actually feeling a little under the weather recently and the news aren’t helping with my anxiety so I thought of cleaning some of my dolls to cheer me up. Doll therapy works for me. Here’s a quick look at them.

2/3 of my collection was out! I’m not gonna go over every doll in detail since that would be really long. i have separate posts for some like Hilary by Dianna Effner and Tammy doll. My collection focus used to be porcelain dolls but it eventually branched out to composition (because of Shirley Temple), revival of Barbies in my room, to a wide range of vintage and antique dolls, and now, to modern dolls – making it more diverse but I would say that porcelain dolls are still the heart and soul of my collection. Jesse, a reproduction googly eye doll, came to my life when I was about 7 years old. She was my first porcelain doll and my mom kept her in a cabinet for so long so I wouldn’t accidentally break her. After many attempts of taking her out for play, she got a major leg injury and that was my biggest regret up to date. The flaw is still there but it is covered with her socks and shoes. I had other hand me down vinyl dolls during childhood but she’s the only one left with me.

Each of my doll has a short story on why I bought or how I adopted them. So I just don’t buy what’s new on the market and easily tick them off the list. It’s either I really like the face mold like the Kestner dolls or it’s a hard to find doll. Sometimes, I am convinced to get a doll if it is on my doll hunt list or I really wanted that doll for a long time and it’s already phased out like Moxie Girlz. I also buy second hand dolls especially if it’s a doll that I used to have when I was young or, again, if it’s on my doll hunt list. So, do they move at night? No. Haha.

It’s kinda sad that films use them as haunted dolls. But on the other hand, I think that’s an advantage since fewer people would want them! I’ll continue cleaning the others next weekend so maybe I have something more to share. If you also like dolls, join our Facebook group: Vintage Dolls PH.
Last Updated on 3 years by Carizza
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