Hurray! It’s 2020! How’s the start of the year for you so far? For me, it’s been great so far at Siamese. New accounts to work on – in education, skin and food industry, cherished moments with positive and inspiring people like the MAS volunteers, and of course, happy to have time again to write down my thoughts not only about skincare and makeup but also about new things that I’ve discovered recently, new addition in our office, snacks and food since we’ve just helped to open up a cafe!

During the holidays, I was so happy to receive this from Young Living Essential Oils! My little elf also appreciates it!

Ever since I had panic attacks, essential oils became my best friend as it helps ease my stress and relieves my anxiety. I usually have a handy inhaler with me all the time but imagine when it’s crunch time and I need to lay my hands on the keyboard for extreme work. It’s good to have this device running while we’re all busy.

It’s Dewdrop Essential Oil ultrasonic diffuser and it comes with two essential oils – lavender and lemon. Lavender is known to relief anxiety as it has a calming effect while Lemon has a clean energizing scent that makes Siamese Studio smell so fresh. Young Living’s Dewdrop diffuser also functions as a humidifier, atomizer, and aroma diffuser in one. Its ultrasonic technology breaks any mixture of essential oils and water into millions of microparticles, disperses them into the air, and releases the constituents found in Young Living essential oils. Also, it is designed with up to four hours of diffusion, automatic shut-off and ambient light control.

To create a relaxing atmosphere here in the office, we added 8 to 10 drops of essential oil into the diffuser. Having this in our office was life changing haha. Almost everyone used to have White Flower, Katinko, etc. but now we’re all benefiting from only one device. Now we just have to decide which scent to use.
I also discovered that Young Living has partnered with a farm here in the Philippines, the Happy Pili Tree Farm, and I appreciate the efforts that Young Living Foundation has made to help the children of the farm community. Imagine, the children of these farmers walk for hours in slippers through rivers and rice fields just to go to school with no ceilings, broken windows and cracked walls! Thanks to YLF for choosing to help our farmers.
To learn more about Young Living, you may visit or folow them on Facebook and Instagram @younglivingphilippines.
Last Updated on 5 years by Carizza
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