Blogging and Busy Life

I get asked a million times about how I blog and manage my business at the same time. Most of the time, these questions come from my readers who also want to have their own blog. SIAMESE is my baby business and I put a lot of time and effort in it together with Eton but you know, sometimes I need a break, take selfies or even just look at my dolls before I loosen up and hit back to work. 

I was a full-time employee when I started blogging. Everything was easy peasy. I work on weekdays, I blog on weekends. Now that I’m handling a business, wherein I even work on weekends, everything is obviously different. Here’s how I juggle things so far:

1. Make a plan
Schedule everything ahead and your life will be smooth and easy but make sure you’ll religiously follow everything you wrote down in your planner! I am very organized when it comes to schedule (sadly, not to my things) and I estimate the time it would take me to finish a certain task.

2. Quality over quantity
Eton always reminds me about this. Never rush just because everyone’s finished and just because you took longer than others, it doesn’t mean you failed. I devote a few hours in the middle of the day for blogging. Sometimes I take photos then I’d continue the write up some other time. I don’t really mind if my post is years behind what’s in today. I rarely follow trends anyway.

3. Draft as many as you can
Many blogs are on the verge of falling out for lack of posts or lack of time to write but seriously, being busy is not an excuse not to blog. I know sometimes the best things you’d love to write about pop up when you’re taking a bath or doing grocery. Write it down while it’s still fresh then continue some other time until you finish the whole blog entry.

4. Sacrifices
Attending events is always fun. You get to meet a lot of people, chat with blogger friends, update your social media accounts and enjoy tokens from the organizers however, in order to accomplish tasks at SIAMESE, I am forced to skip events and burn my eyebrows instead. It’s hard to say no but remember, there’s always a next time.

5. Be ready at all times
Work is always stressful but sometimes you can actually do some blogging tasks in between. Just recently, we had a product shoot for a client but I also made sure I am dressed as myself (not a busabos photographer) so I can take outfit shots during breaks. Para-paraan lang yan.

Top from Mango // Skirt from Forever 21 // Socks from CNA // Shoes from Sugar Kids

Shopping at the Kids’ section is always cheaper and fun!
While at work

So there you have it, my simple tips before you throw your hat in the ring. When you have done these things, you will have room to be focused and be enthralled. Hope it helps and motivates you to blog!

Last Updated on 9 years by Carizza




9 responses to “Blogging and Busy Life”

  1. Sugar Kids! Who knew! 😀 Cute mo forevs, Carizza! Miss you.

    1. Hahahaha.. skirt from F21 kids as well XD

  2. You are really so cute and gorgeous Ms. Carizza. I admire how you put everything in a plan. Hope I can do the same how you manage your time, work and even yourself.

    1. You are always welcome 🙂

  3. you're so pretty! thanks for the advice,wish i could subdivide my time too so i could do blogging too but too busy on my kids! happy new year ms carizza!

  4. Your outfit is so fab. Looks like a fairy. Also your shoes is so cute. Didn't expect that you love to shop on kids section. Hehe

  5. Ultimate secret revealed XD

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