My cat addiction has gone up to another level.

Top from Maldita // Skirt from online // Tote bag from Grab SM Department Store

Okay, forgive me! I know this one is not originally from Jetoy and I doubt if they have permission to grab this cat photo from them but it’s my chance to use a Choo Choo cat on casual days because it’s inexpensive!

Most of the authentic Choo Choo cat stuff I bought are still packed and I don’t even want to use them. Collectors would understand.

Matched with this cat skirt I got online! Hihi. So cute isn’t it?
I just rescued another kitten last September 13 and named her Sushi! Found her weak in front of the bank so I decided to pick her up. Soon as she got home, she immediately turned into an energetic poop machine!

She’s so adorable!
Last Updated on 8 years by Carizza
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