Victoria’s Secret Amber Romance

Here’s another beauty review~ So, what’s on my table?
It’s Victoria’s Secret Amber Romance lotion. Read on to know my take on this great product.
Amber Romance is a warm and alluring blend of black cherry, crème anglaise, vanilla and sandalwood. It belongs to the Secret Garden collection. Yes, it is exactly what it claims. I’d describe it as musky with notes of vanilla scent.It is not too strong, in fact, the scent is really comforting and classy. If you are the classy kinda woman, pick this up without a second thought. You’ll love the sexiness of this scent!
It is a good moisturizer as well and has great lasting power. I find it suitable for every day use as it is a very hydrating body lotion.
Apply to damp skin straight from bath .Massage on for silky, replenishing moisture. Skin feels soft, smooth and touchable: the ultimate sexy sensation! For the packaging, it comes in a tall, sturdy 250ml container with a golden flip-open lid.
I love this product but availability is an issue. If ever I find this again, I’ll definitely buy it together with the Amber Romance Mist.

Last Updated on 9 years by Carizza




9 responses to “Victoria’s Secret Amber Romance”

  1. ging valdez

    i love this scent..super bango,tried it before

  2. Azwa Mislan

    i've never tried any VS products,now that i know i might try to walk in to their store. 😛 i thought they only sell lingeries. #GIG

  3. Akirah

    Woah.. I have this lotion before, but I gave it to my sister. I've heard na nakakaitim daw yung scented lotions eh.. But I love the scent ^_^ mabango and long lasting, Not for me nga lang. 🙁

  4. never heard of that. ive been using scented lotions all my life and I never get dark. hmm

  5. Akirah

    I've read it sa mga articles and beauty mag, most scented lotions are prone to getting dark. Cguro it depends kung ngbababad ka sa init, 🙂 mukhang hindi ka naman nagbababad sa init I guess.. 🙂 puti2 mo kasi^_^

  6. oooh that's something new to me 😉 thanks for sharing!

  7. Stephanie Lee

    I have this one & the love spell 🙂 I really Victoria's secret lotion & perfumes 🙂

  8. glory chen

    I've never tried all victoria's secret product coz it's really hard to get USA brands in my country.. But nice review^^ I just followed you too… hope you dont mind to follow back.. thanks 🙂

  9. Wendy Rose Santillan

    woohoo! another one added to my wishlist! i tried and i loved their pear glace! the smell is so enticing and very classy (all of their scents were actually very classy but playful) and memorable since my boyfriend gave me one as a christmas gift :))

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