BTS: Move to the Vibe Fashion Show

The last week of November was crucial, I must say. Deadlines for work, meetings,FB greetings and notifications (haha), giveaways, and fashion show! Yes, I was luckily chosen to model and be part of Move to the Vibe of Glorietta fashion show!
It’s the biggest fashion show that broke Guinness World Record of the Most People Walking a Catwalk, having 2,255 models in one fashion show. Actually, they were aiming for 2,500 but some didn’t make it and some were even disqualified! D:
They tapped celebrities, professional and amateur models, fashion bloggers, AVA members, and fashion enthusiasts to join. I got two invitations from this event. One from AVA (to grace the catwalk with Baggu and Rags2Riches bags) and one from Ferretti shoes. They told me that I can only walk with one brand and since I love shoes more than bags, I love the representative from this brand, and the email was well-organized, I chose Ferretti! Yay, shoes!!!! โค
Our call time was at 8am and I went straight to Ferretti to look for Liz and the other models. Surprised to see that there were only three models present at that time – Liz, Ana and Bambi!
I wasn’t able to drop by the store during the fitting day so I immediately grabbed the shoes Liz personally picked for me to wear and tried it on.
Lovely and sweet. Thank you Liz for choosing this pair for me ๐Ÿ™‚ Definitely my style and personality!
An obligatory powder-and-contacts-only look 

Perfect fit!

Since I was early pa pala, I just look around the store to check out their products and I found this lovely green bag! I want it! ๐Ÿ˜€
Then Ana and I went outside and lined up at the backstage for stage rehearsal. Unfortunately, we didn’t reach the cutoff and we were advised to stay at the holding area for lunch. :l
Line at Runway 4
Ana accidentally dropped her cam! Oh noes! But she never looked stressed or worried. Look at this beautiful girl..
Time check.
Our group had lunch at Pancake House. Hurray! After that, models had their makeup done from Estee Lauder, Mac, Clinique, or Bobbi Brown. Since I wanted to share this once in a lifetime opportunity with a friend (and the makeup offer from different brands was announced late too), I chose to bring my own makeup artist. It’s Beny!
Hi Beny! I just realized we don’t have a photo together. Haha. Thank you for making me beautiful that night!
Dress and Accessories: Forever21
Shoes: Ferretti
We were captivated in the holding area few hours before the program started. It was obviously time for us to chat with the other models and camwhore!
With Michelle and Ana

Zel and Rhea

The place was a bit congested so we sneaked out of the holding area and went back to Ferretti store. Hahaha.

From left: Iya, Rhea, Ana, me, Mich, and Zel

At 5:30 pm, the show officially started and the rest is history. Yay, we made it Philippines!

Photo from AVA

Congratulations to the New Gloreitta Vibe, AVA, Globe Tattoo, and to all models who participated! I hope someone could post a replay or post decent photos online. Thank you Eton de Guzman for showing up and supporting me on this event. Of course, thank you so much to Liz Lanuzo and Ferretti for trusting us to model their products. More power and God bless! ๐Ÿ˜€

Last Updated on 9 years by Carizza




15 responses to “BTS: Move to the Vibe Fashion Show”

  1. Wow so proud of you and Beny! You looks soooo gorgeous! See you tomorrow! <3

  2. I wonder where I can see a replay of the show. So mabagal nung streaming eh, di kinaya ng internet connection ko. Hahaha. You girls all looked lovely! ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. NinMonster

    Pretty ladies! Wah too bad I wasn't able to watch everyone walk the runway live! ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. yey! so happy were part of the history! ๐Ÿ™‚ see you on the next events!!!! <3

  5. congrats!! wow you all walked for ferretti! you guys looked so awesome <3 see you soon cariz!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Bargain Doll

  6. congrats girl!! so sad though that I wasn't able to watch you all ๐Ÿ™

    Hope to see you again soon!



  7. Wonder Woman

    OMG. You are SOOOO lucky that you got assigned to a brand that was actually organized. No comment other than that. Hahaha. Oh, meron pa: you were sooo pretty sa runway! ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. thanks iya! hope to see you in another beauty event soon ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. yes, beauty bloggers team hahaha. i didnt see you that day. what ramp kayo?

  10. it was really fun!! are you going to style series this dec?

  11. some of my friends say it wasnt good online or maybe they have crappy internet connection lang hehe

  12. yes, my friends told me so. mabagal din daw. i want a replay too!

  13. it looks like a fun event. i used to attend such cocktail runway events, but just to watch. it is interesting but less models and shorter show.

  14. Iya Boto

    Nice meeting you Carizza! Until next time! ๐Ÿ™‚


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