Food Theraphy at Saizen!

I love discovering new products in the market, especially when it comes to food. I actually like the taste of the Cheez-It Han & Cheese flavor and Class-A Cheese Stix. Since I am stressed, I dropped by Saizen here at Ali Mall and grabbed a lot from the Japanese food section!

Ryokucha Tea – It is a Japanese organic green tea that’s great for breakfast. I introduced this product to my boyfriend and Im glad he’s loving it too! He’s starting to have adventures in healthy living with me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Need to reduce stress? Eat nuts. So I bought mixed nuts! Sumo nuts with dilis (anchovies)! 
Some wont hate to munch these huge crackers but look inside – the big ones were crunched!
Nuts contain lots of nutritional benefits but they can also be high in fat and salt if they are processed and flavored. So, in order to get the most from them, always try and choose the unsalted versions, preferably as close to their natural form as possible like these from Saizen!

If you hate the sumo nuts, I have something smaller similar to Ding Dong:

A littlte salted but not too much. It has four packs inside. Remember, it’s good to share! ๐Ÿ˜‰
Need something lower in calories and fat-free? Here’s one of Saizen’s best seller – the Peeled Roasted Chestnut! It’s my favorite!
This is one of Saizen’s highly hoarded item so if you drop by there, don’t forget to get one too and try You can microwave or re-roast it if you want. ๐Ÿ™‚
and lastly, the popular Furuta’s Green Tea Cookie!
It has around 10 round cookies inside and has just the right amount of cream filling inside.
If you dont like Green Tea, they have other flavors too such as Chocolate, Strawberry and Banana. All items I’ve bought are only P85. It’s the right solution on how to shop without feeling guilty.
Happy Sunday everyone!

Last Updated on 9 years by Carizza




11 responses to “Food Theraphy at Saizen!”

  1. wah interesting, i love this post <3

  2. Love your loot, sis! (Kala mo makeup lang pinag-uusapan natin, no? Haha!)
    And I like those Furuta cookies, too. My flavor of choice is strawberry, though. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Mica

    FOOOD! I've been curious about the green tea cookies for quite some time now. Thanks fro sharing!


  4. claire

    wow, this is interesting! I haven't really bought and tried Japanese green tea might as well look for it here.

  5. shykulasa

    thanks for this, i always drop by at Saizen Alimall but have not tried their edible items. that tea looks refreshing and i cant wait to munch on those peeled chestnuts ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. anncash

    I would love to try the tea, coz' I need to replace it with coffee everyday! Good info.

  7. Jade

    I think I would love to buy the tea, this is for my morning breakfast. Knowing that drinking this is very healthy.

  8. You're making me crave!!! I want some hot tea and green tea cookies too~ Need to head to Saizen asap!

  9. yes ,these are healthy food and drink.Me and hubby loves to drink green tea and munch some nuts .

  10. tauyanm

    wow!! i love green teas!! I saw a lot of food stuffs as well in Daiso here in singapore but cannot read them! their all written in japanese! haha poor me.. >>>

  11. April Asilom

    a big fan of saizen~ hehe~

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