Maintaining Healthy Skin with Blooming G

Whether I like it or not, there are only two months to go before I hit the 30s! I’m prepping myself for the beauty habits that I should adopt as early as now that’s why when I was asked to try skincare supplements, I said to myself, “This is it!” My body is starting to slow down. I noticed that my skin is getting more and more sensitive, hair is often dry and my pimples decided to move from my forehead (their favorite place) to the chin area! Everything is getting weird so the first thing I did was to choose lighter makeup and skincare products (if you observed). When it comes to food, I go for something light as well like salad, juice, vegetables, stew and anything steamed.

And of course, I try to nourish from within. Alongside the new beauty routine and eating well, I also give my skin the boost it needs to make it more radiant, healthy and blooming! Vitamin A-C-E is very essential to support overall health and now I started to take Blooming G capsules, a natural skin care oral health supplement.

Blooming G is a Borage Oil capsule by BAUCHLab, an FDA-cGMP certified manufacturing company producing high quality medicines and supplements for Filipinos. Borage oil is packed with fatty acids like GLA/Omega 6 and anti-inflammatory properties that helps keep your skin healthy from the inside while taking care of your reproductive system.

This food supplement can help with the following:
– Dry Skin
– Stretchmarks
– Skin problems
– Hormonal imbalance
– Arthritis
– Diabetes
– Menopause symptoms
– Better blood circulation
– Anti-stress

blooming-g-borage-3Php 750 / 1 box of 30 capsules (500mg each)

Considering that this is a local brand, I am really impressed with the packaging. Neat design, well-sealed and complete with all the information including the batch number, manufacturing and expiration date.

The capsule contains a golden yellow coloured oil extracted from the borage wildflower. You can actually take it orally or apply it directly on your skin.

At first, I thought ingested supplements can adversely affect the liver so I discussed this with my physician. She said that any supplement when used in high dosage can affect the liver but there are greater risks with bodybuilding and weight-loss supplements. Borage may prolong bleeding time so she told me to observe my body and take borage with caution just like any other supplements.

I started taking this supplement this month. I take one capsule every morning, after breakfast and so far, so good.

What I noticed:
– Product is FDA approved
– Pimples popped but some stubborn whiteheads under my lips was pushed out easily too!
– T-Zone is less oily
– Less dry feet
– No PMS this month
– Less bleeding during my period (which is weird)


I would say my skin now looks dewy, not oily. I noticed that because at around 2-3pm at work, I normally do some retouch and blot oil from my face but now I have to think twice if I should blot or not because I don’t look oily at all. I still blot anyway but having second thoughts is actually a big difference. I also noticed a slight change on parts where I have very dry skin like my feet. It doesn’t feel extra dry lately. I haven’t finished the entire box yet but I am already happy with the initial results.

If you want to take your skincare routine to a higher level, this could be the right skin-boosting supplement for you – especially if you have dry skin. You may reduce intake when you already achieve the results you want. In case you’re curious to try, Blooming G is available online and in Mercury Drugstores in NCR. Let me know how it works for you! You may use the code CARIZZABG when you purchase at least 1 box of Blooming G at BAUCHCARES.COM (for the first time) to receive a FREE Surprise Welcome Package! Click here to know how to order online and use the promo code.

PS: I was sooo busy last week and skipped this supplement. I noticed some pimples showing up on my chin. 🙁 Could be the lack of sleep, stress and skipping these supplements.

For more info, follow them on Facebook and on Instagram @bloomingGph or visit

Last Updated on 4 years by Carizza




28 responses to “Maintaining Healthy Skin with Blooming G”

  1. Mariejoy

    Where can I buy this?, I Have a very dry Skin, dry Hair,Stretchmarks & PMS. Im only 23 But I feel like Old Already. Tempted To try Supplements but Worried that it might affect my kidney. Miss Carissa have you tried Other Supplements before?

    1. Carizza

      It won’t affect your kidneys naman if you take supplements with caution. Tamang intake lang dapat. Even vitamin supplements has side effects. Mas malala pa ang effect sa kidney when you eat too much salty food. You need to flush it out with plenty of water.

      Stresstabs makes me feel sleepy all the time to the point that I can’t be productive at work anymore that’s why I’m very happy with Blooming G. Better skin na, helps pa with my PMS. Hopefully, it can totally clear out pimples din!

  2. Love Fullido Compoc

    2 months too before my birthday and am 31 omg, there are so many signs of aging na i see and feel . Thanks for introducing this one to bring back the glow. I thought too nakkaasira ng liver. thanks for the info Ms.Carizza

    1. Carizza

      Any supplement naman. Even Myra E has side effects so take vitamin supplements with caution din. 🙂

  3. sherry ann gole cruz

    Is this recommended for young age,my daughter needs this but shes only 11 years old?

    1. Carizza

      To help with discomforts of PMS? Borage oil has a lot of benefits but what works for me might not work for her. Best to consult with her OB. 🙂

  4. Jenny L. Zarate

    Good to know that you’ve found your partner in making and maintaining a healthy skin. Ang maganda pa dun is safe and kita ang effectiveness talaga! Cheers to you Ms. Carizza!

    1. Carizza

      I used to take Stresstabs but it was extra stress-free to the point that I always feel sleepy. I’m more hiyang with Blooming G and I like the fact that it helped me with my PMS.

  5. Zel Solidor

    Woaaah ! I need this too. Mga pimples ko lalo lang dumarami 😩

  6. queen marie miraflores

    Wow.. 😮 I think I need this one cause im only 20 years old but I feel like almost 30 😮😩
    I have oily skin,pimples on my head too😩 dry skin .. An

    Base on your experience its actually works on you miss carri☺cause your not even look turning at 30 at all.. If you did not said that ur turning 30 I thought ur just 23 ☺☺😊😊haha

    This product is so usefull cause its has a lot of benefits☺ that lots of us needing.. Like if ur a mother, a worker (puyat all the time) and even who you are that is needing a supplement that keeps you healthy and look gorgious😊

    1. Carizza

      Yep, I am also thinking if I should do another review of this product as a topical treatment. I have a small dry spot on my jaw. Let’s see if it’ll work!

  7. Guia Joy

    I have an oily and very sensitive skin… I hope I could try this one and test it out on my sensitive skin🙏 This is one of my wishlist!

  8. Ely Bantugan

    wow nice review . esp the no blackheads na☺️

    1. Carizza

      Whiteheads, actually. I think I was able to push them out easily because my chin area is not too dry anymore.

  9. Ara Moya

    I really need this, because after I gave birth to my baby, my skin became dry even though I moisturize and drink a lot of water. I am not that confident to go out. I’m hoping that with the help of blooming G my skin will improve and at least be back to normal again. thank you Ms. Carizza..

  10. Nadine

    Wow! I hope this will be the solution to my dysmenorrhea woes. Will give this a try ^_^

  11. Nadine

    Wow! I hope this will be the solution to my dysmenorrhea woes. Aaaaand the blackheads and whiteheads that never go away. Will give this a try ^_^

  12. Rish Castle

    Hi, I just want to ask if may time frame or limit ba ang pag inom nito? Parang after 3 months of continuous intake, may rest or time ka din na hindi iinom for a certain period. Thanks in advance.

    By the way, very helpful ang review mo. And I’m excited to try it out. 🙂

    1. Carizza

      Hello Rish, wala namang time frame. You can take it kung kelan mo lang feel but I would recommend 1x a day. When I stopped for a week, nagkapimples ulit ako so for my skin parang need ko talaga everyday.

      1. Rish Castle

        Hi, thank you po. Will def try it out! More power po

  13. Shylle Monique Lintag

    Omg! I will definitely try this. Thank you for this review.

  14. Shylle Monique Lintag

    Sana hiyang din sakin para fresh kahit nagpupuyat para sa thesis.

  15. Shylle Monique Lintag

    Pricey sa isang estudyante like me. Pero feel ko tong pag ipunan atleast 2-3 months para bago maggraduation maganda pa rin.

  16. Maria Pamela Concordia Recio

    is this can Help to Lose Weight?

  17. Ana

    Hi just want to ask if Blooming G is OK for people with fatty liver? I have PCOS and it happen that there moments when I cannot control my mood swings. I got easily annoyed too and my face seems getting dark. I have stubborn pimples too and getting too much dark spots lately.

    1. Carizza

      Hello Ana, I may not be the best person to answer your query. Please ask your OB if you can take this supplement. Your doctors know best as they have your health record. 🙂 The result may vary from one person to another.

  18. Hi! I saw different testimonies of this product already. I am thinking to purchase this but I want to know if is it okay to take this while my period is late? Or just like other hormonal pills, do I need to wait for period to come first? Btw, I am 25 already, I took hormonal pills when I was 22 as prescribed by my OB because of my severe acne. It lessen my pimples though, i fear of the side effects thats why I stopped taking it. Is this product can help with late periods also?

    1. Carizza

      Hello Crisel, I had stopped using this product since I had to take other meds but Blooming G imo has good effects on my skin and PMS. Just to be clear, this is not a hormonal contraceptive ha but yes, this product may help you with acne and late periods. I would still suggest to consult your OB first to identify main cause of it to cross out pcos or hormonal imbalance. 🙂

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